In Artetrama we use cookies to improve our user's browsing experience. As set forth in the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce's article 22.2, that updates the Directive 2009/136/CE. Following we will proceed to expose the nature, purpose, typology and deactivation of the cookies used by our site.

Cookies, what are they?

Cookies are small files stored in a user's computer to provide a simplified and improved browsing as well as to analyze the use that our visitors do of our site.

Cookies are installed on the device used by the user to browse and they can't have access to any information stored in it, nor can’t they collect any personal data.

Some of the cookies used by our website are very useful, for example, to keep specific data during a session, like the shopping cart content.

Kinds of cookies

According to how long they are kept installed on the device, we can distinguish between:

Session cookies: Those whose purpose is to collect data only while the user is browsing. These cookies are erased when the user abandons the web or shuts down the browser. They store information to provide a service demanded by the user during browsing, for example, to keep visible a list of products in the shopping cart.

Persistent cookies: The stay longer on the device and can be reused to collect information during a period of time that can last from a few minutes to many years. Within this group we can find the cookies used by Google Analytics, their purpose is collect information to analyze the use that the users do of a website and this way optimize their browsing experience. The information collected by this kind of cookies is anonymous and so it doesn't include any personal data.

According to the purpose of the data obtained through cookies, we can distinguish between:

Technical cookies: They intend to provide an easier browsing for the users, allowing data communication, session log in, the products that define an order to be reminded or the checkout procedure.

Analytic cookies: These ones allow the creation of browsing profiles and to know the way in which the users interact with the website with the only purpose of optimizing its structure and content. According to their purpose, cookies installed by Google Analytics would belong to this category.

There are other types of cookies such as advertising or behavior-based ones, but these are not implemented by our website.

To get more information about cookies you can check the Guide for the use of cookies of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Cookies used by our site

Cookie name Kind of cookie Purpose
PHPSESSID Analytic cookie It is a session cookie that allows the server to set aside a memory space reserved for the user that is browsing with the purpose of maintaining specific data during the session, like the content of the shopping cart.
UTMA Technical cookie Tracks the number of visits that a user does to our site.
UTMB Technical cookie Records the moment in time when the user enters our site.
UTMC Technical cookie Records the moment in time when the user leaves our site.
UTMZ Technical cookie Stores information about the user's source. It tells us if the visitor has gained access to our site from a search engine, from another's site link, directly.
UTMV Technical cookie Provides information that allows us to fragment by visitor's demographical data, like gender or age.
COOKIES_ACCEPTED Technical cookie Allows us to know if the visitor has accepted the usage of cookies so the acceptance message is not shown again.

Cookies Policy's acceptance

As we've explained above, cookies are necessary to improve browsing on our site. However, any user has the right not to have these ones installed on his/her device.

Users can behave in two ways considering our Cookies Policy:

Accept cookies: As it is shown in the cookies warning that appears in all of the pages of our site to any visitor that hasn't accepted the usage of cookies in the past, we understand that the visitor accepts the usage of cookies if he/she decides to browse through our site.

Change his/her configuration: User can browse restricting the installation of cookies configuring his/her browser.

How to enable, reject or erase cookies

Users can enable or reject the use of cookies as well as erase the ones already installed on their browsers. Cookies configuration varies according to each browser. You can take a look on how to manage them through the link of your own browser: