Pablo Palazuelo - artetrama

Pablo Palazuelo

Pablo Palazuelo was born in Madrid in 1916. He studied architecture both in Madrid and at the Royal Institute of British Architects in Oxford. From 1939 he devoted himself to painting. His first abstract drawings, deeply influenced by work of Paul Klee's work and dated between 1947 and 1948, were published in several poetry journals. These early abstract works are the result of a constant search for the geometrical structures and its mathematical proportions.

In 1948, thanks to a French Institute scholarship, Palazuelo moves into the Spanish Pavilion of the Cité Universitaire of Paris where he met Eduardo Chillida. While making a lithography course, Palazuelo meets the National Museum of Modern Art's curator in Paris, Bernard Dorival, whom invites him to participate in the May Salon of that year. There, he met Maeght marriage that ended up admired by Palazuelo paintings, so they invited him to participate in an exhibition shown in their famous gallery in 1950. Palazuelo will also hold there his first solo show in 1955.

In 1969 he returned to Spain and, after years installed in Cáceres, where Palazuelo creates the Monroy series (in which he explores the parallelism of graphic signs and music through a geometric code), he definitely moves to his hometown where he lived until passed away in 2007.

Palazuelo's career has been awarded with the Gold Medal of Fine Arts in 1982 and in 2004 with the Velázquez Prize by Spanish Ministry of Culture.

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