Lora Zombie Artworks for sale - artetrama

Lora Zombie

Lora Zombie is a Russian artist, born in Voronezh in 1990. Despite her youth she already has a greater international recognition and her works have been shown in many galleries worldwide, from United States to her native Russia.

Her style is unmistakable. As Lora herself calls it, she does “grunge art”, this is, if we attend to the concept we could tell about grunge subculture, a way to create quite chaotic and untidy, but with a harmony in the colours she uses of an incredible beauty.

Her works are mainly developed using a mixed media which basis is the watercolour and other materials such as pencil, ink or oil. Her big muse is, in Lora’s own words, music, and many of her paintings are inspired in songs or lyrics created by her favourite bands. It is worth to mention that in each of her works we always find some message behind them, a reflection, a thought or a vision, quite political in some occasions, that the artist has about the world we live in.

As a woman of today, she gathers hundreds of fans on her social networks that have fall on her feet thanks to this unique style, edgy and tremendously contemporary. She uploads on her website videos in which Lora shows herself creating some of her works and in which we can take full notice of her great knowledge of the watercolour painting.

Little or almost nothing we know about her personal life, she is discrete and even her real surname is unknown. Self-taught and with no formal education she drew the attention of many imitating Jamie Hewlett’s style, the graphic designer of the music band Gorillaz. Once the opportunity was there, Lora Zombie hasn’t stop working, creating many works with this casual and self-style that defines her.

It is also to highlight her great creative disposal in other areas and her works have been brought to merchandising, so we can find in the market apparel, accessories and stationery with this artist’s label.

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