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CEAR Help Refugees

The Spanish Commission for Assistance to Refugees, CEAR, has been defending the right to asylum and human rights since 1979, promoting the comprehensive development of refugees fleeing from war or human rights violations, asylum seekers, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and/or at risk of social exclusion.

CEAR's mission is to defend and promote the human rights and integral development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and/or at risk of social exclusion.

For more than four decades, CEAR has worked actively in the defense and promotion of the right to asylum in Spain with the aim of advancing its recognition and guaranteeing access to international protection procedures with all the guarantees of the law.

At CEAR they provide direct and integral attention to refugees in various areas: from reception, work insertion and psychosocial attention, to legal defense and denunciation to advance the recognition of the rights of refugees. CEAR has reception centers for asylum seekers and refugees, where they are provided with a space to advance in the process of their autonomy and full social integration. They are accompanied by multidisciplinary professional teams of social, psychological, legal and labor assistance.

Currently, CEAR has the commitment of more than 1,000 volunteers and more than 1,200 workers. In 2020, CEAR assisted more than 33,000 people seeking international protection. More than 5,300 partners and donors and about 100,000 supporters in social networks support their work. For all these reasons, CEAR is a reference in the field of asylum law, working directly with refugees, migrants and stateless people.

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