Juan Genovés Artworks for sale - artetrama

Juan Genovés

Juan Genovés was born in 1930 in Valencia, Spain. Artist committed to the Spanish society of the time, he used art to express his concern and willingness to renew the art scene of the time. This commitment to his environment led him to meet other artists with whom he formed important groups like The Seven (1949), Parpallós (1956) and Hondo (1956).

Although in his beginnings was linked to informality, after a pictorial crisis during the 60s, his art turned figurative and developed an expressionist and provocative painting. A deep relationship with movements opposite to the Franco regime, made his work a reflection of his thoughts about "the individual himself" against the "crowd".

Among his main influences excels expressionism, pop art (from which took the usage of clothes and real objects glued directly on the canvas) and cinema (using narrative procedures as tracking shots or close-ups).

Genovés died the 15th of May 2020, in Madrid.

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